Error Code Reference

Error Codes and Troubleshooting

Meshery and its components use a common framework (defined within MeshKit) to generate and document an error with a unique error code identifier: the combination of Meshery component moniker and numberic code - [component-moniker]-[numeric code]. Each error code identifies the source component for the error and a standard set of information to describe the error and provide helpful details for troubleshooting the situation surrounding the specific error.

Error Code Categories by Component

Component Type Component Name
client mesheryctl
adapter CILIUM
library meshkit
component meshery-server
library meshery-adapter-library
adapter meshery-consul
adapter meshery-nginx-sm
adapter meshery-istio
adapter meshery-kuma
adapter meshery-linkerd
adapter meshery-traefik-mesh
adapter meshery-osm
adapter nsm


mesheryctl client

Error Name - Code Severity Short Description
ErrResetMeshconfigCode-1004 Alert Error resetting meshconfig
Probable Cause:
Meshery server config file is not reset to default settings
Suggested Remediation:
Verify Meshery server config file is reset to default settings by executing `mesheryctl system context view`
Long Description:
ErrApplyManifestCode-1005 Alert Error applying manifest with update: and delete:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrApplyOperatorManifestCode-1006 Alert Error applying operator manifests with update: and delete:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrCreateDirCode-1007 Alert Error creating directory
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrNoAdaptersCode-1010 Fatal Adapter for required mesh not found
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Deploy the proper Meshery Adapter for your service mesh
Long Description:
Adapter for required mesh not found
ErrPromptCode-1011 Fatal Error while reading selected option
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrCreatingDeployRequestCode-1012 Fatal Error sending deploy request
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrCreatingDeployResponseRequestCode-1013 Fatal Error creating request for deploy response
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrAddingAuthDetailsCode-1014 Fatal Error adding auth details
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrTimeoutWaitingForDeployResponseCode-1016 Fatal Timed out waiting for deploy event
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Check your environment and try again
Long Description:
Timed out waiting for deployment
ErrFailedDeployingMeshCode-1017 Fatal Failed to deploy the service mesh
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Check your environment and try again
Long Description:
Failed to deploy the service mesh
ErrCreatingValidateRequestCode-1018 Fatal Error sending Validate request
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrCreatingValidateResponseRequestCode-1019 Fatal Error creating request for validate response
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrTimeoutWaitingForValidateResponseCode-1020 Fatal Timed out waiting for validate response
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Check your environment and try again
Long Description:
Timed out waiting for validate response
ErrSMIConformanceTestsFailedCode-1021 Fatal SMI conformance tests failed
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
SMI conformance tests failed
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrSettingTemporaryContextCode-1023 Alert Error setting temporary context
Probable Cause:
temporary context is not set properly
Suggested Remediation:
Verify the temporary context is set properly using the -c flag provided
Long Description:
ErrCreateManifestsFolderCode-1024 Alert Error creating manifest folder
Probable Cause:
system error in creating manifest folder
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure manifest folder (.meshery/manifests) is created properly
Long Description:
ErrProcessingMctlConfigCode-1025 Alert Error processing config
Probable Cause:
Error due to invalid format of Mesheryctl config
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure Mesheryctl config is in correct format and valid
Long Description:
ErrRestartMesheryCode-1026 Alert Error restarting Meshery
Probable Cause:
Meshery is not running
Suggested Remediation:
Restart Meshery instance
Long Description:
ErrMesheryConfigCode-1027 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
error processing config
ErrReadFilepathCode-1028 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrNoProfileNameCode-1029 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
please enter a profile-name
ErrNoTestURLCode-1030 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
please enter a test URL
ErrNotValidURLCode-1031 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
please enter a valid test URL
ErrFailMarshalCode-1032 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
failed to marshal values
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrFailUnmarshalCode-1036 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
failed to unmarshal response body
ErrNoProfileFoundCode-1037 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
no profiles found with given name
ErrFailTestRunCode-1038 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
failed to run test
ErrInvalidOutputChoiceCode-1039 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
output-format choice invalid, use [json|yaml]
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrRunPortForwardCode-1048 Fatal Failed to run port-forward
Probable Cause:
Meshery pod is not in running phase mesheryctl can't connect to kubernetes with client-go
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure Meshery pod exists and is in running state Check if mesheryctl is connected to kubernetes with `mesheryctl system check`
Long Description:
Error running port-forward for Meshery
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrProcessingConfigCode-1050 Alert Error processing config
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error processing config
ErrCreatingConfigFileCode-1051 Alert Unable to create config file
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Unable to create config file
ErrAddingTokenToConfigCode-1052 Alert Unable to add token to config
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Unable to add token to config
ErrAddingContextToConfigCode-1053 Alert Unable to add context to config
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Unable to add context to config
ErrUnmarshallingConfigFileCode-1054 Alert Error unmarshalling config file
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error unmarshalling config file
ErrGettingRequestContextCode-1055 Fatal Unable to add token to config
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Unable to add token to config
ErrInvalidAPIResponseCode-1056 Fatal Invalid API response
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Invalid API response
ErrUnmarshallingAPIDataCode-1057 Fatal Error unmarshalling API data
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error unmarshalling API data
ErrConnectingToServerCode-1058 Fatal Unable to communicate with Meshery server
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
See for help getting started with Meshery
Long Description:
Unable to communicate with Meshery server See for help getting started with Meshery
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:


Meshery Adapter for CILIUM

</tr> </tbody> </table> Top

meshkit library

Error Name - Code Severity Short Description
ErrInstallCiliumCode-1000 Alert Error with Cilium operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error occurred while installing Cilium mesh through Cilium
ErrTarXZFCode-1001 Alert Error while extracting file
Probable Cause:
The gzip might be corrupt
Suggested Remediation:
Retry the operation
Long Description:
ErrMeshConfigCode-1002 Alert Error configuration mesh
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Reconnect the adaptor to the meshkit server
Long Description:
Error getting MeshSpecKey config from in-memory configuration
ErrRunCiliumCmdCode-1003 Alert Error running cilium command
Probable Cause:
Corrupted cilium binary Command might be invalid
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDownloadBinaryCode-1004 Alert Error downloading Cilium binary
Probable Cause:
Checkout for more details
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error occurred while download Cilium binary from its github release
ErrInstallBinaryCode-1005 Alert Error installing Cilium binary
Probable Cause:
Corrupted Cilium release binary Invalid installation location
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrSampleAppCode-1006 Alert Error with sample app operation
Probable Cause:
Invalid kubeclient config Invalid manifest
Suggested Remediation:
Reconnect your adapter to Meshery Server to refresh the kubeclient
Long Description:
Error occurred while trying to install a sample application using manifests
ErrCustomOperationCode-1007 Alert Error with custom operation
Probable Cause:
Invalid kubeclient config Invalid manifest
Suggested Remediation:
Upload the kubconfig in the Meshery Server and reconnect the adapter
Long Description:
Error occurred while applying custom manifest to the cluster
ErrCreatingNSCode-1008 Alert Error creating namespace
Probable Cause:
Invalid kubeclient config Invalid manifest
Suggested Remediation:
Upload the kubeconfig in the Meshery Server and reconnect the adapter
Long Description:
Error occurred while applying manifest to create a namespace
ErrRunExecutableCode-1009 Alert Error running executable
Probable Cause:
Corrupted binary Invalid operation
Suggested Remediation:
Check if the adaptor is executing a deprecated command
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrOpInvalidCode-1011 Alert Invalid operation
Probable Cause:
The operation is not supported by the adapter Invalid operation name
Suggested Remediation:
Check if the operation name is valid and supported by the adapter
Long Description:
Cilium adapter received an invalid operation from the meshey server
ErrApplyHelmChartCode-1012 Alert Error occurred while applying Helm Chart
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrNilClientCode-1013 Alert kubernetes client not initialized
Probable Cause:
kubernetes client not initialized
Suggested Remediation:
Reconnect the adaptor to Meshery server
Long Description:
Kubernetes client is nil
ErrInvalidOAMComponentTypeCode-1014 Alert invalid OAM component name:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrCiliumCoreComponentFailCode-1015 Alert error in Cilium core component
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrProcessOAMCode-1016 Alert error performing OAM operations
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParseCiliumCoreComponentCode-1017 Alert Cilium core component manifest parsing failing
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParseOAMComponentCode-1018 Alert error parsing the component
Probable Cause:
Invalid OAM component passed in OAM request
Suggested Remediation:
Check if your request has vaild OAM components
Long Description:
Error occurred while prasing application component in the OAM request made
ErrParseOAMConfigCode-1019 Alert error parsing the configuration
Probable Cause:
Invalid OAM config passed in OAM request
Suggested Remediation:
Check if your request has vaild OAM config
Long Description:
Error occurred while prasing component config in the OAM request made
ErrGetLatestReleaseCode-1020 Alert Could not get latest version
Probable Cause:
Latest version could not be found at the specified url
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrEmptyConfigCode-1021 Alert Config is empty
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetLatestReleasesCode-1022 Alert Unable to fetch release info
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetLatestReleaseNamesCode-1023 Alert Failed to extract release names
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetManifestNamesCode-1024 Alert Unable to fetch manifest names from github
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrMakingBinExecutableCode-1025 Alert Error while making cilium cli an executable
Probable Cause:
Download might be corrupted.
Suggested Remediation:
Please retry operation.
Long Description:
ErrLoadNamespaceCode-1026 Alert Error occurred while applying namespace
Probable Cause:
Trying to access a namespace which is not available
Suggested Remediation:
Verify presence of namespace. Confirm Meshery ServiceAccount permissions
Long Description:
ErrUnpackingTarCode-1027 Alert Error occurred while unpacking tar
Probable Cause:
The gzip might be corrupt
Suggested Remediation:
Please retry operation.
Long Description:
ErrUnzipFileCode-1028 Alert Error while unzipping
Probable Cause:
File might be corrupt
Suggested Remediation:
Please retry operation.
Long Description:
ErrDownloadingTarCode-1029 Alert Error occurred while downloading Cilium tar
Probable Cause:
Error occurred while download cilium tar from its release url
Suggested Remediation:
Checkout for more details </td>
Long Description:
ErrGettingReleaseCode-1030 Alert Could not get latest version
Probable Cause:
Latest version could not be found at the specified url
Suggested Remediation:
Verify network connectivity. Ensure is reachable. Try retrying the operation.
Long Description:
Error Name - Code Severity Short Description
ErrGetCrdNamesCode-1001 Alert Error getting crd names
Probable Cause:
Could not execute kubeopenapi-jsonschema correctly
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure the binary is valid and correct Make sure the filter passed is correct
Long Description:
ErrGetSchemasCode-1002 Alert Error getting schemas
Probable Cause:
Schemas Json could not be produced from given crd.
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure the filter passed is correct
Long Description:
ErrGetAPIVersionCode-1003 Alert Error getting api version
Probable Cause:
Api version could not be parsed
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure the filter passed is correct
Long Description:
ErrGetAPIGroupCode-1004 Alert Error getting api group
Probable Cause:
Api group could not be parsed
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure the filter passed is correct
Long Description:
ErrPopulatingYamlCode-1005 Alert Error populating yaml
Probable Cause:
Yaml could not be populated with the returned manifests
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrAbsentFilterCode-1006 Alert Error with passed filters
Probable Cause:
ItrFilter or ItrSpecFilter is either not passed or empty
Suggested Remediation:
Pass the correct ItrFilter and ItrSpecFilter
Long Description:
ErrNoneDatabaseCode-11010 Alert No Database selected
Probable Cause:
database name is empty
Suggested Remediation:
Input a name for the database
Long Description:
ErrDatabaseOpenCode-11011 Alert Unable to open database
Probable Cause:
Database is unreachable
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure your database is reachable
Long Description:
ErrSQLMapUnmarshalJSONCode-11012 Alert failed to unmarshal json
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrSQLMapUnmarshalTextCode-11013 Alert failed to unmarshal text
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrSQLMapMarshalValueCode-11014 Alert failed to marshal value
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrClosingDatabaseConnectionCode-11017 Alert failed to close database connection
Probable Cause:
Invalid database instance passed.
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure the DB handler has a valid database instance.
Long Description:
ErrApplyManifestCode-11021 Alert Error Applying manifest
Probable Cause:
Manifest could be invalid
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure manifest yaml is valid
Long Description:
ErrServiceDiscoveryCode-11022 Alert Error Discovering service
Probable Cause:
Network not reachable to the service
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure the endpoint is reachable
Long Description:
ErrApplyHelmChartCode-11023 Alert Error applying helm chart
Probable Cause:
Chart could be invalid
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to apply valid chart
Long Description:
ErrNewKubeClientCode-11024 Alert Error creating kubernetes clientset
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid
Suggested Remediation:
Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized
Long Description:
ErrNewDynClientCode-11025 Alert Error creating dynamic client
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid
Suggested Remediation:
Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized
Long Description:
ErrNewDiscoveryCode-11026 Alert Error creating discovery client
Probable Cause:
Discovery resource is invalid or doesnt exist
Suggested Remediation:
Makes sure the you input valid resource for discovery
Long Description:
ErrNewInformerCode-11027 Alert Error creating informer client
Probable Cause:
Informer is invalid or doesnt exist
Suggested Remediation:
Makes sure the you input valid resource for the informer
Long Description:
ErrEndpointNotFoundCode-11028 Alert Unable to discover an endpoint
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInvalidAPIServerCode-11029 Alert Invalid API Server URL
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrLoadConfigCode-11030 Alert Error loading kubernetes config
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid
Suggested Remediation:
Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized
Long Description:
ErrValidateConfigCode-11031 Alert Validation failed in the kubernetes config
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid
Suggested Remediation:
Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized
Long Description:
ErrSelectorBasedMapCode-11036 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrProtocolBasedMapCode-11037 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrLableBasedMapCode-11038 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrPortParsingCode-11039 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGenerateServiceCode-11040 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrConstructingRestHelperCode-11041 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrCreatingServiceCode-11042 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrUnmarshalCode-11043 Alert Unmarshal unknown error: %s
Probable Cause:
Invalid object format
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to input a valid JSON object
Long Description:
ErrUnmarshalInvalidCode-11044 Alert Unmarshal invalid error for type:
Probable Cause:
Invalid object format
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to input a valid JSON object
Long Description:
ErrUnmarshalSyntaxCode-11045 Alert Unmarshal syntax error at offest:
Probable Cause:
Invalid object format
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to input a valid JSON object
Long Description:
ErrUnmarshalTypeCode-11046 Alert Unmarshal type error at key: %s. Error: %s
Probable Cause:
Invalid object format
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to input a valid JSON object
Long Description:
ErrUnmarshalUnsupportedTypeCode-11047 Alert Unmarshal unsupported type error at key:
Probable Cause:
Invalid object format
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to input a valid JSON object
Long Description:
ErrUnmarshalUnsupportedValueCode-11048 Alert Unmarshal unsupported value error at key:
Probable Cause:
Invalid object format
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to input a valid JSON object
Long Description:
ErrMarshalCode-11049 Alert Marshal error, Description: %s
Probable Cause:
Invalid object format
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to input a valid JSON object
Long Description:
ErrGetBoolCode-11050 Alert Error while getting Boolean value for key: %s, error: %s
Probable Cause:
Not a valid boolean
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure it is a boolean
Long Description:
ErrInvalidProtocolCode-11051 Alert invalid protocol: only http, https and file are valid protocols
Probable Cause:
Network protocol is incorrect
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to specify the right network protocol
Long Description:
ErrRemoteFileNotFoundCode-11052 Alert remote file not found at
Probable Cause:
File doesnt exist in the location File name is incorrect
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to input the right file name and location
Long Description:
ErrReadingRemoteFileCode-11053 Alert error reading remote file
Probable Cause:
File doesnt exist in the location File name is incorrect
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to input the right file name and location
Long Description:
ErrReadingLocalFileCode-11054 Alert error reading local file
Probable Cause:
File doesnt exist in the location File name is incorrect
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to input the right file name and location
Long Description:
ErrViperCode-11056 Fatal Viper configuration initialization failed
Probable Cause:
Viper is crashing
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure viper is configured properly
Long Description:
ErrInMemCode-11057 Fatal InMem configuration initialization failed
Probable Cause:
In memory map is crashing
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure map is configured properly
Long Description:
ErrPodHasNoLabelsCode-11058 Alert the pod has no labels and cannot be exposed
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrServiceHasNoSelectorsCode-11059 Alert the service has no pod selector set
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInvalidDeploymentNoSelectorsLabelsCode-11060 Alert the deployment has no labels or selectors and cannot be exposed
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInvalidDeploymentNoSelectorsCode-11061 Alert invalid deployment: no selectors, therefore cannot be exposed
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInvalidReplicaNoSelectorsLabelsCode-11062 Alert the replica set has no labels or selectors and cannot be exposed
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInvalidReplicaSetNoSelectorsCode-11063 Alert invalid replicaset: no selectors, therefore cannot be exposed
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrNoPortsFoundForHeadlessResourceCode-11064 Alert no ports found for the non headless resource
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrUnknownSessionAffinityErrCode-11065 Alert unknown session affinity:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrMatchExpressionsConvertionErrCode-11066 Alert couldn't convert expressions - to map-based selector format
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrFailedToExtractPodSelectorErrCode-11067 Alert cannot extract pod selector from
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrFailedToExtractPortsCode-11068 Alert cannot extract ports from
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrFailedToExtractProtocolsErrCode-11069 Alert cannot extract protocols from
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrCannotExposeObjectErrCode-11070 Alert cannot expose a
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrControllerCode-11071 Alert
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInvalidSizeFileCode-11072 Alert
Probable Cause:
Given file size is either 0 or exceeds the limit of 50 MB
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Could not read the file while walking the repo
ErrCloningRepoCode-11073 Alert could not clone the repo
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:

Meshery Server

Error Name - Code Severity Short Description
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrNilClientCode-1001 Alert Kubernetes client not initialized
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid
Suggested Remediation:
Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized
Long Description:
Kubernetes config is not initialized with Meshery
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrQueryCode-1003 Alert Error while querying data
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Invalid Query performed in Meshery Database
ErrMeshsyncSubscriptionCode-1004 Alert MeshSync Subscription failed
Probable Cause:
Could be a network issue
Suggested Remediation:
Check if meshery server is reachable from the browser
Long Description:
GraphQL subscription for MeshSync stopped
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrSubscribeChannelCode-1009 Alert Unable to subscribe to channel
Probable Cause:
Could be a network issue Meshery Broker could have crashed
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Broker is reachable from Meshery Server Check if Meshery Broker is up and running inside the configured cluster
Long Description:
Unable to create a broker subscription
ErrPublishBrokerCode-1010 Alert Unable to publish to broker
Probable Cause:
Could be a network issue Meshery Broker could have crashed
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Broker is reachable from Meshery Server Check if Meshery Broker is up and running inside the configured cluster
Long Description:
Unable to create a broker publisher
ErrNoMeshSyncCode-1011 Alert Database handler not initialized
Probable Cause:
Meshery Database is crashed or not reachable
Suggested Remediation:
Restart Meshery Server Please check if Meshery server is accessible to the Database
Long Description:
Meshery Database handler is not accessible to perform operations
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDataPlaneSubscriptionCode-1013 Alert Data Plane Subscription failed
Probable Cause:
Could be a network issue
Suggested Remediation:
Check if meshery server is reachable from the browser
Long Description:
GraphQL subscription for Data Plane stopped
ErrGettingNamespaceCode-1014 Alert Cannot get available namespaces
Probable Cause:
The table in the database might not exist
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrFetchingPatternsCode-1015 Alert Cannot fetch patterns
Probable Cause:
There might be something wrong with the Meshery or Meshery Cloud
Suggested Remediation:
Try again, if still exist, please post an issue on Meshery repository
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrNilClientCode-2001 Alert Kubernetes client not initialized
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid
Suggested Remediation:
Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized
Long Description:
Kubernetes config is not initialized with Meshery
ErrPrometheusScanCode-2002 Alert Unable to connect to prometheus
Probable Cause:
Prometheus endpoint might not be reachable from meshery Prometheus endpoint is incorrect
Suggested Remediation:
Check if your Prometheus and Grafana Endpoint are correct Connect to Prometheus and Grafana from the settings page in the UI
Long Description:
ErrGrafanaScanCode-2003 Alert Unable to connect to grafana
Probable Cause:
Grafana endpoint might not be reachable from meshery Grafana endpoint is incorrect
Suggested Remediation:
Check if your Grafana Endpoint is correct Connect to Grafana from the settings page in the UI
Long Description:
ErrRecordPreferencesCode-2004 Alert unable to save user config data
Probable Cause:
User token might be invalid db might be corrupted
Suggested Remediation:
Relogin to Meshery
Long Description:
ErrGrafanaConfigCode-2005 Alert Grafana endpoint not configured
Probable Cause:
Grafana endpoint might not be reachable from meshery
Suggested Remediation:
Setup your Grafana Endpoint via the settings dashboard
Long Description:
Cannot find valid grafana endpoint in user pref
ErrPrometheusConfigCode-2006 Alert Prometheus endpoint not configured
Probable Cause:
Prometheus endpoint might not be reachable from meshery
Suggested Remediation:
Setup your Prometheus Endpoint via the settings dashboard
Long Description:
Cannot find valid Prometheus endpoint in user pref
ErrGrafanaQueryCode-2007 Alert Unable to query grafana
Probable Cause:
Grafana query did not get executed from meshery Grafana query is invalid
Suggested Remediation:
Check if your Grafana query is correct Connect to Grafana from the settings page in the UI
Long Description:
ErrPrometheusQueryCode-2008 Alert Unable to query prometheus
Probable Cause:
Prometheus query did not get executed from meshery Prometheus query is invalid
Suggested Remediation:
Check if your Prometheus query is correct Connect to Prometheus and Grafana from the settings page in the UI
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrStaticBoardsCode-2011 Alert unable to get static board
Probable Cause:
No boards could be available in grafana
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
unable to get static board
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParseBoolCode-2016 Alert unable to parse :
Probable Cause:
Failed due to invalid value of :
Suggested Remediation:
please provide a valid value for :
Long Description:
ErrStreamEventsCode-2017 Alert There was an error connecting to the backend to get events
Probable Cause:
Websocket is blocked in the network Meshery UI is not able to reach the Meshery server
Suggested Remediation:
Ensure Meshery UI is able to reach the Meshery server
Long Description:
ErrStreamClientCode-2018 Alert Event streaming ended
Probable Cause:
Websocket is blocked in the network Meshery UI is not able to reach the Meshery server
Suggested Remediation:
Ensure Meshery UI is able to reach the Meshery server
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrPublishSmiResultsCode-2020 Alert Error publishing SMI results
Probable Cause:
Meshery Cloud is not functional or reachable
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure meshery cloud is up and reachable
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrPluginOpenCode-2022 Alert Error opening the plugin
Probable Cause:
Plugin is not available in the location plugin does not match with meshery version
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure the plugin is compatible with Meshery server
Long Description:
ErrPluginLookupCode-2023 Alert Error performing a plugin lookup
Probable Cause:
Plugin is not available in the location
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure the plugin is compatible with Meshery server
Long Description:
ErrPluginRunCode-2024 Alert Error running meshery plugin
Probable Cause:
plugin does not match with meshery version
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure the plugin is compatible with Meshery server
Long Description:
ErrParseFormCode-2025 Alert unable to parse form
Probable Cause:
The data provided could be invalid
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to enter valid parameters in the form
Long Description:
ErrQueryGetCode-2026 Alert unable to get:
Probable Cause:
Query parameter is not a part of the request
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to pass the query paramater in the request
Long Description:
ErrGetResultCode-2027 Alert unable to get result
Probable Cause:
Result Identifier provided is not valid Result did not persist in the database
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to provide the correct identifier for the result
Long Description:
ErrConvertToSpecCode-2028 Alert unable to convert to spec
Probable Cause:
The performance spec format is invalid
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to provide the correct spec
Long Description:
ErrFetchSMIResultsCode-2029 Alert unable to fetch SMI results
Probable Cause:
SMI results did not get persisted Result identifier is invalid
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to provide the correct identifier for the result
Long Description:
ErrFormFileCode-2030 Alert error getting k8s file
Probable Cause:
The kubeconfig file does not exist in the location
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to upload the correct kubeconfig file
Long Description:
ErrReadConfigCode-2031 Alert error reading config
Probable Cause:
The kubeconfig file is empty or not valid
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to upload the correct kubeconfig file
Long Description:
ErrLoadConfigCode-2032 Alert unable to load kubernetes config
Probable Cause:
The kubeconfig file is empty or not valid
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to upload the correct kubeconfig file
Long Description:
ErrOpenFileCode-2033 Alert unable to open file:
Probable Cause:
The file does not exist in the location
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to upload the correct file
Long Description:
ErrKubeVersionCode-2034 Alert unable to get kubernetes version
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes might not be reachable from meshery
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure meshery has connectivity to kubernetes
Long Description:
ErrAddAdapterCode-2035 Alert meshLocationURL is empty
Probable Cause:
meshLocationURL cannot be empty to add an adapter
Suggested Remediation:
please provide the meshLocationURL
Long Description:
meshLocationURL is empty to add an adapter
ErrRetrieveDataCode-2036 Alert Unable to retrieve the requested data
Probable Cause:
Adapter operation invalid
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure adapter is reachable and running
Long Description:
ErrValidAdapterCode-2037 Alert Unable to find valid Adapter URL
Probable Cause:
Given adapter URL is not valid
Suggested Remediation:
Please provide a valid Adapter URL
Long Description:
unable to find a valid adapter for the given adapter URL
ErrOperationIDCode-2038 Alert Error generating the operation Id
Probable Cause:
Adapter operation invalid
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure adapter is reachable and running
Long Description:
ErrMeshClientCode-2039 Alert Error creating a mesh client Error pinging the mesh adapter
Probable Cause:
Adapter could not be pinged
Suggested Remediation:
Unable to connect to the Mesh adapter using the given config, please try again
Long Description:
Unable to create a mesh client Unable to ping the mesh adapter
ErrApplyChangeCode-2040 Alert Error applying the change
Probable Cause:
Adapter operation invalid
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure adapter is reachable and running
Long Description:
ErrRetrieveMeshDataCode-2041 Alert Error getting operations for the mesh Error getting service mesh name
Probable Cause:
unable to retrieve the requested data
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure adapter is reachable and running
Long Description:
ErrApplicationFailureCode-2042 Alert failed to the application
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDecodingCode-2043 Alert Error decoding the :
Probable Cause:
Object is not a valid json object
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure if the object passed is a valid json
Long Description:
ErrRetrieveUserTokenCode-2044 Alert Failed to get the user token
Probable Cause:
User token could be expired
Suggested Remediation:
Re-initiate login
Long Description:
ErrFailToSaveCode-2045 Alert Failed to Save:
Probable Cause:
Meshery Database could be down or not reachable
Suggested Remediation:
Restart Meshery instance and make sure database is up and reachable
Long Description:
ErrFailToDeleteCode-2046 Alert Failed to Delete:
Probable Cause:
Meshery Database could be down or not reachable
Suggested Remediation:
Restart Meshery instance and make sure database is up and reachable
Long Description:
ErrErrNewDynamicClientGeneratorCode-2048 Alert Unable to generate the dynamic client generator
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid
Suggested Remediation:
Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrFetchKubernetesNodesCode-2051 Alert Unable to fetch kubernetes nodes
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes API server might not be reachable from the Meshery server
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure kubernetes API server is reachable from meshery server
Long Description:
ErrInvalidLTURLCode-2053 Alert invalid loadtest url:
Probable Cause:
URL for load test could be invalid
Suggested Remediation:
please refer to:
Long Description:
ErrGrafanaClientCode-2073 Alert Unable to initialize Grafana Client
Probable Cause:
Invalid Grafana Endpoint or API-Key
Suggested Remediation:
Update your Grafana URL and API-Key from the settings page in the UI
Long Description:
Unable to initializes client for interacting with an instance of Grafana server
ErrPageSizeCode-2074 Alert Unable to prase the Page Size
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrPageNumberCode-2075 Alert Unable to prase the Page Numer
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrResultIDCode-2076 Alert Given resultID is not valid
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Given resultID is nil
ErrPerfIDCode-2077 Alert Invalid peformance profile ID
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGenerateUUIDCode-2080 Alert Unable to generate a new UUID
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrLocalProviderSupportCode-2081 Alert Method not supported by local provider
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGrafanaOrgCode-2082 Alert Failed to get Org data from Grafana
Probable Cause:
Invalid URL Invalid API-Key
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGrafanaDashboardCode-2084 Alert Error getting grafana dashboard from UID
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGrafanaDataSourceCode-2085 Alert Error getting Grafana Board's Datasource
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrNilQueryCode-2086 Alert Query data passed is nil
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGrafanaDataCode-2087 Alert Error getting data from Grafana API
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrApplicationFileNameCode-2088 Alert Invalid Applicationfile
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Name field is either not present or is not valid
ErrFilterFileNameCode-2089 Alert Invalid Filterfile
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Name field is either not present or is not valid
ErrPatternFileNameCode-2090 Alert Invalid Patternfile
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Name field is either not present or is not valid
ErrMakeDirCode-2091 Alert Unable to create directory/folder
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrFolderStatCode-2092 Alert Unable to find (os.stat) the folder
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrUserIDCode-2093 Alert User ID is empty
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDBConnectionCode-2094 Alert Connection to DataBase does not exist
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrNilConfigDataCode-2095 Alert Given config data is nil
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDBOpenCode-2096 Alert Unable to open the database
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDBRLockCode-2097 Alert Unable to obtain read lock from bitcask store
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDBLockCode-2098 Alert Unable to obtain write lock from bitcask store
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDBReadCode-2099 Alert Unable to read data from bitcast store
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDBDeleteCode-2100 Alert Unable to delete config data for the user
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrCopyCode-2101 Alert Error occurred while copying
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDBPutCode-2102 Alert Unable to Persist config data.
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrPrometheusGetNodesCode-2103 Alert Prometheus Client unable to get all nodes
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrPrometheusLabelSeriesCode-2104 Alert Unable to get the label set series
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrPrometheusQueryRangeCode-2105 Alert Unable to fetch data for the query
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrPrometheusStaticBoardCode-2106 Alert Unbale to get Static Boards
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrTokenRefreshCode-2107 Alert Error occurred while Refresing the token
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetTokenCode-2108 Alert Error occurred while getting token from the Browser Cookie
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDataReadCode-2109 Alert Eeror occurred while reading from the Reader
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrTokenDecodeCode-2110 Alert Error occurred while Decoding Token Data
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrNilJWKsCode-2111 Alert Invalid JWks
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Value of JWKs is nil
ErrNilKeysCode-2112 Alert Key not found
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
JWK not found for the given KeyID
ErrTokenExpiredCode-2113 Alert Token has expired
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Token is invalid, it has expired
ErrTokenClaimsCode-2114 Alert Error occurred while prasing claims
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrTokenClientCheckCode-2115 Alert Error occurred while performing token check HTTP request
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrTokenPraseCode-2116 Alert Error occurred while Prasing and validating the token
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrJWKsKeysCode-2117 Alert Unable to fetch JWKs keys from the remote provider
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDecodeBase64Code-2118 Alert Error occurred while decoding base65 string
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrMarshalPKIXCode-2119 Alert Error occurred while marshaling PKIX
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrEncodingPEMCode-2120 Alert Error occurred while encoding jwk to pem
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrPraseUnverifiedCode-2121 Alert Error occurred while prasing tokens (unverified)
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrFetchCode-2123 Alert Unable to fetch data from the Provider
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrPostCode-2124 Alert Unable to post data to the Provider
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDeleteCode-2125 Alert Unable to delete data from the Provider
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInvalidCapabilityCode-2126 Alert Capablity is not supported by your Provider
Probable Cause:
Not logged in to the vaild remote Provider
Suggested Remediation:
Connect to the vaild remote Provider Ask the Provider Adim for access
Long Description:
You dont have access to the capability
ErrResultDataCode-2127 Alert given result data is nil
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrUnableToPersistsResultCode-2128 Alert unable to persists the result data
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrValidURLCode-2129 Alert Enter valid URLs
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrTestEndpointCode-2130 Alert minimum one test endpoint needs to be specified
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrLoadgeneratorCode-2131 Alert specify valid Loadgenerator
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrProtocolCode-2132 Alert specify the Protocol for all clients
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrTestClientCode-2133 Alert minimum one test client needs to be specified
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParsingTestCode-2134 Alert error parsing test duration, please refer to:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrFieldCode-2135 Alert Error: name field is blank
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrSaveSessionCode-2136 Alert unable to save session
Probable Cause:
User session could be expired
Suggested Remediation:
Re-initiate login
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrKubeClientCode-2139 Alert Failed to Create Kube Client
Probable Cause:
Check Kubernetes
Suggested Remediation:
Check your kubeconfig if valid Ensure meshery is able to reach the kubernetes cluster
Long Description:
ErrWorkloadDefinitionCode-2140 Alert Failed to load Workload Definition
Probable Cause:
Workload Definition is invalid or unable to process
Suggested Remediation:
Check Workload Definition
Long Description:
ErrTraitDefinitionCode-2141 Alert Failed to Encode Trait Definition
Probable Cause:
Trait Definition is invalid or unable to process
Suggested Remediation:
Check Trait Definition
Long Description:
ErrScopeDefinitionCode-2142 Alert Failed to Encode Scope Definition
Probable Cause:
Trait Definition is invalid or unable to process
Suggested Remediation:
Check Trait Definition
Long Description:
ErrPatternFileCode-2143 Alert Failed to Parse Pattern File
Probable Cause:
Trait Definition is invalid or unable to process
Suggested Remediation:
Check Trait Definition
Long Description:
ErrExecutionPlanCode-2144 Alert Failed to Create Execution Plan
Probable Cause:
Trait Definition is invalid or unable to process
Suggested Remediation:
Check Trait Definition
Long Description:
ErrInvalidPatternCode-2145 Alert Invalid Pattern, execution is infeasible
Probable Cause:
Trait Definition is invalid or unable to process
Suggested Remediation:
Check Trait Definition
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrFetchDataCode-2147 Alert unable to fetch result data
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrIndexOutOfRangeCode-2148 Alert Error: index out of range
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrSessionCopyCode-2149 Alert Error: session copy error
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrApplyHelmChartCode-2155 Alert Error occurred while applying Helm Chart
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes cluster might not be connected Leftover resources from partial install
Suggested Remediation:
Try reinstalling Try reconnecting your kubernetes cluster Clean up artifacts from preinstalled helm release manually
Long Description:
ErrGetFilterCode-2156 Alert Error failed to get filter
Probable Cause:
Cannot get the filter with the given Filter ID
Suggested Remediation:
Check if the given Filter ID is correct
Long Description:
ErrSaveFilterCode-2157 Alert Error failed to save filter
Probable Cause:
Cannot save the Filter due to wrong path or URL
Suggested Remediation:
Check if the given path or URL of the filter is correct
Long Description:
ErrDecodeFilterCode-2158 Alert Error failed to decode filters data into go slice
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrEncodeFilterCode-2159 Alert Error failed to encode filter
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrImportFilterCode-2160 Alert Error failed to import filter
Probable Cause:
Cannot save the Filter due to wrong path or URL
Suggested Remediation:
Check if the given path or URL of the Filter is correct
Long Description:
ErrFetchFilterCode-2161 Alert Error failed to fetch filter
Probable Cause:
Failed to retrieve the list of all the Filters
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDeleteFilterCode-2162 Alert Error failed to delete filter
Probable Cause:
Failed to delete Filter with the given ID
Suggested Remediation:
Check if the Filter ID is correct
Long Description:
ErrSavePatternCode-2163 Alert Error failed to save pattern
Probable Cause:
Cannot save the Pattern due to wrong path or URL
Suggested Remediation:
Check if the given path or URL of the Pattern is correct
Long Description:
ErrGetPatternCode-2164 Alert Error failed to get pattern
Probable Cause:
Cannot get the Pattern with the given Pattern ID
Suggested Remediation:
Check if the given Pattern ID is correct
Long Description:
ErrDeletePatternCode-2165 Alert Error failed to delete pattern
Probable Cause:
Failed to delete Pattern with the given ID
Suggested Remediation:
Check if the Pattern ID is correct
Long Description:
ErrFetchPatternCode-2166 Alert Error failed to fetch pattern
Probable Cause:
Failed to retrieve the list of all the Patterns
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrImportPatternCode-2167 Alert Error failed to import pattern
Probable Cause:
Cannot save the Pattern due to wrong path or URL
Suggested Remediation:
Check if the given path or URL of the Pattern is correct
Long Description:
ErrEncodePatternCode-2168 Alert Error failed to encode pattern
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDecodePatternCode-2169 Alert Error failed to decode patterns data into go slice
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParsePatternCode-2170 Alert Error failed to parse pattern file
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrConvertPatternCode-2171 Alert Error failed to convert PatternFile to Cytoscape object
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrSavingUserPreferenceCode-2172 Alert Error saving user preference.
Probable Cause:
Invalid data passed Unable to connect with provider
Suggested Remediation:
Pass valid values for preferences Make sure provider supports saving user preferences Make sure you're connected with provider Make sure extension provides these preferences
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInvalidKubeConfigCode-2174 Alert Invalid Kube Config
Probable Cause:
Meshery handler failed to find a valid kubernetes config for the deployment
Suggested Remediation:
Try uploading a new kubeconfig and also ensure that meshery can reach kubernetes API server
Long Description:
ErrInvalidKubeHandlerCode-2175 Alert Invalid Kube Handler
Probable Cause:
Meshery handler failed to find a valid kubernetes handler for the deployment
Suggested Remediation:
Try uploading a new kubeconfig and also ensure that meshery can reach kubernetes API server
Long Description:
ErrInvalidKubeContextCode-2176 Alert Invalid Kube Context
Probable Cause:
Meshery handler failed to find a valid kubernetes context for the deployment
Suggested Remediation:
Try uploading a new kubeconfig and also ensure that meshery can reach kubernetes API server
Long Description:
ErrCreatingKubernetesComponentsCode-2177 Alert
Probable Cause:
component generation was canceled due to deletion or reload of K8s context Invalid kubeconfig Filters passed incorrectly in config Could not fetch API resources from Kubernetes server
Suggested Remediation:
If there is the log \"Starting to register ...\" for the same contextID after this error means that for some reason the context was reloaded which caused this run to abort. In that case, this error can be ignored. Make sure that the configuration filters passed are in accordance with output from /openapi/v2
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrEmptyCurrentK8sContextCode-2180 Alert Current kubernetes context is empty
Probable Cause:
Meshery is crashed or not reachable
Suggested Remediation:
Restart Meshery Server Please check if Meshery server is accessible to the Database
Long Description:
Meshery is not able to get the current kubernetes context
ErrFetchNodesCode-2181 Alert Unable to get the list of nodes
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes API server might not be reachable from the Meshery server
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure kubernetes API server is reachable from meshery server
Long Description:
ErrFetchKubernetesVersionCode-2182 Alert Unable to fetch kubernetes version
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes API server might not be reachable from the Meshery server
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure kubernetes API server is reachable from meshery server
Long Description:
ErrScanKubernetesCode-2183 Alert Unable to scan kubernetes
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes API server might not be reachable from the Meshery server
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure kubernetes API server is reachable from meshery server
Long Description:
ErrRetrievePodListCode-2184 Alert Unable to retrieve pod list
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes API server might not be reachable from the Meshery server Requested resource might not be available
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure kubernetes API server is reachable from meshery server Make sure you are requesting for a valid resource
Long Description:
ErrDetectServiceForDeploymentImageCode-2185 Alert Unable to detect service for deployment image
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes API server might not be reachable from the Meshery server Requested resource might not be available
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure kubernetes API server is reachable from meshery server Make sure you are requesting for a valid resource
Long Description:
ErrRetrieveNamespacesListCode-2186 Alert Unable to get the list of namespaces
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes API server might not be reachable from the Meshery server Requested resource might not be available
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure kubernetes API server is reachable from meshery server Make sure you are requesting for a valid resource
Long Description:
ErrGetNamespaceDeploymentsCode-2187 Alert Unable to get deployments in the namespace
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes API server might not be reachable from the Meshery server Requested resource might not be available
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure kubernetes API server is reachable from meshery server Make sure you are requesting for a valid resource
Long Description:
ErrDetectServiceWithNameCode-2188 Alert Unable to get services from the cluster with the name given in names parameter
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes API server might not be reachable from the Meshery server Requested resource might not reachable from Meshery server
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure kubernetes API server is reachable from meshery server Make sure the network connectivity is up between meshery server and the service endpoint
Long Description:
ErrGeneratingLoadTestCode-2189 Alert Unable to generate load test
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrRunningTestCode-2190 Alert Unable to run test
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrConvertingResultToMapCode-2191 Alert Unable to convert from the result to map
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGrpcSupportCode-2193 Alert does not support gRPC load testing
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrStartingNighthawkServerCode-2194 Alert Unable to start the nighthawk server
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrTransformingDataCode-2195 Alert Error while transforming data
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrRunningNighthawkServerCode-2196 Alert Error while running nighthawk server
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrAddAndValidateExtraHeaderCode-2197 Alert Unable to add and validate extra header
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInClusterConfigCode-2198 Alert Unable to load in-cluster kubeconfig
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrNewKubeClientGeneratorCode-2199 Alert Unable to generate new kube dynamic client
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrRestConfigFromKubeConfigCode-2200 Alert Unable to create rest config from kube congif
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrNewKubeClientCode-2201 Alert Unable to create new kube client
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrWriteResponseCode-2202 Alert Error writing response
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrTestConfigsCode-2203 Alert Error fetching test configs
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInvalidGenValueCode-2204 Alert Invalid value for gen
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
please provide a valid value for gen (load generator)
Long Description:
ErrFailToLoadExtensionsCode-2205 Alert Failed to Load Extensions from Package
Probable Cause:
Plugin is not available in the location plugin does not match with meshery version
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure the plugin is compatible with Meshery server
Long Description:
ErrConversionCode-2206 Alert unable to convert YAML to JSON
Probable Cause:
Yaml provided is not valid
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure the yaml is valid and has the right parameters
Long Description:
ErrParseDurationCode-2207 Alert error parsing test duration
Probable Cause:
The format of the duration passed could be incorrect
Suggested Remediation:
please refer to:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrPanicRecoveryCode-2210 Alert Recovered from panic
Probable Cause:
Meshery crashes
Suggested Remediation:
Restart Meshery
Long Description:
ErrBlankNameCode-2211 Alert Error: name field is blank
Probable Cause:
Load test name empty or not valid
Suggested Remediation:
Provide a name for the test
Long Description:
ErrGetK8sComponentsCode-2212 Alert Could not get K8s components for registration
Probable Cause:
Invalid kubeconfig Filters passed incorrectly in config Could not fetch API resources from Kubernetes server
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure that the configuration filters passed are in accordance with output from /openapi/v2
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrSavingSeededComponentsCode-2215 Alert Error while saving sample
Probable Cause:
User doesn't have permission to save content.\nDatabase unreachable.\nDatabase locked or corrupt.\nContent unsupported.
Suggested Remediation:
Retry fetching content\nRetry sigining in\nLogin with correct user account\nRetry after deleting '~/.meshery/config'.
Long Description:
ErrGettingSeededComponentsCode-2216 Alert Error while getting from sample content
Probable Cause:
Sample content does not exist.\nContent file format not supported.\nUser doesn't have permission to read sample content.\nContent file corrupt.
Suggested Remediation:
Try restarting Meshery.\nTry fetching content again.
Long Description:
ErrDownloadingSeededComponentsCode-2217 Alert
Probable Cause:
The content is not present at the specified url endpoint HTTP requests failed
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure the content is available at the endpoints Make sure that Github is reachable and the http requests are not failing
Long Description:
ErrContextIDCode-2218 Alert Error: Context ID is empty
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrMesheryNotInClusterCode-2220 Alert Error: Meshery is not running inside a cluster
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrBrokerNotConnectedCode-2221 Alert Broker not connected
Probable Cause:
Meshery Broker is crashed or not reachable
Suggested Remediation:
Restart Meshery Server Please check if Meshery server has access to the Broker
Long Description:
Meshery Broker is not connected to Meshery Server
ErrResolverInvalidRequestCode-2222 Alert Invalid query, please check syntax
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Check the query parameters and syntax of the query being run
Long Description:
The Graphql query requested is invalid
ErrResolverNilClientCode-2223 Alert Kubernetes client not initialized
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized
Long Description:
Kubernetes config is not initialized with Meshery
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrResolverMeshsyncSubscriptionCode-2226 Alert MeshSync Subscription failed
Probable Cause:
Could be a network issue
Suggested Remediation:
Check if meshery server is reachable from the browser
Long Description:
GraphQL subscription for MeshSync stopped
ErrResolverOperatorSubscriptionCode-2227 Alert Operator Subscription failed
Probable Cause:
Could be a network issue
Suggested Remediation:
Check if meshery server is reachable from the browser
Long Description:
GraphQL subscription for Operator stopped
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrResolverControlPlaneSubscriptionCode-2229 Alert Control Plane Subscription failed
Probable Cause:
Could be a network issue
Suggested Remediation:
Confirm that Meshery Server is reachable from your browser.
Long Description:
GraphQL subscription for Control Plane stopped
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrResolverPublishBrokerCode-2232 Alert Unable to publish to broker
Probable Cause:
Could be a network issue Meshery Broker could have crashed
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Broker is reachable from Meshery Server Check if Meshery Broker is up and running inside the configured cluster
Long Description:
Unable to create a broker publisher
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrBrokerNotFoundCode-2235 Alert Meshery broker not found
Probable Cause:
Invalid Grafana Endpoint or API-Key
Suggested Remediation:
Update your Grafana URL and API-Key from the settings page in the UI
Long Description:
Unable to find meshery broker in the cluster
ErrCreateOperatorDeploymentConfigCode-2236 Alert Operator deployment configuration could not be created.
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrRequestMeshsyncStoreCode-2237 Alert Meshsync store request could not be issued
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure meshery broker is healthy
Long Description:
ErrBrokerSubscriptionCode-2238 Alert Could not subscribe to the broker subject
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure meshery broker is healthy
Long Description:
ErrMesheryControllersStatusSubscriptionCode-2239 Alert Could not create meshery controllers status subcription
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure the controllers are deployed and their handlers are configured
Long Description:
Meshery controller handlers may not be available
ErrMeshSyncEventsSubscriptionCode-2240 Alert Could not create MeshSync events subcription
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure the controllers are deployed and their handlers are configured
Long Description:
Meshery controller handlers may not be available
ErrListenAndServeCode-2248 Fatal ListenAndServe Error
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ListenAndServe Error:
ErrCleaningUpLocalProviderCode-2249 Alert Error cleaning up local provider
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error cleaning up local provider:
ErrClosingDatabaseInstanceCode-2250 Alert Error closing database instance
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error closing database instance:
ErrCreatingUUIDInstanceCode-2251 Fatal Unable to create UUID instance
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Unable to create UUID instance:

meshery-adapter-library library

Error Name - Code Severity Short Description
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:

Meshery Adapter for meshery-consul

Error Name - Code Severity Short Description
ErrApplyOperationCode-1000 Alert Error applying operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParseOAMComponentCode-1001 Alert error parsing the component
Probable Cause:
Could not unmarshall configuration component received via ProcessOAM gRPC call into a valid Component struct
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Server is creating valid component for ProcessOAM gRPC call. This error should never happen and can be reported as a bug in Meshery Server. Also, check if Meshery Server and adapters are referring to same component struct provided in MeshKit.
Long Description:
Error occurred while parsing application component in the OAM request made by Meshery Server
ErrParseOAMConfigCode-1002 Alert error parsing the configuration
Probable Cause:
Could not unmarshall OAM config received via ProcessOAM gRPC call into a valid Config struct
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Server is creating valid config for ProcessOAM gRPC call. This error should never happen and can be reported as a bug in Meshery Server. Also, confirm that Meshery Server and Adapters are referring to same config struct provided in MeshKit
Long Description:
Error occurred while parsing configuration in the request made by Meshery Server
ErrProcessOAMCode-1003 Alert error performing OAM operations
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrApplyHelmChartCode-1004 Alert Error applying helm chart
Probable Cause:
Chart could be invalid
Suggested Remediation:
Use `helm verify` and `helm lint` to verify chart path and validity
Long Description:
ErrMeshConfigCode-1005 Alert Error configuration mesh
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error getting MeshSpecKey config from in-memory configuration
ErrConsulCoreComponentFailCode-1006 Alert error in Consul core component
Probable Cause:
API version or Kind passed is empty
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure API version and Kind are not empty
Long Description:
ErrParseConsulCoreComponentCode-1007 Alert Consul core component manifest parsing failing
Probable Cause:
Could not marshall generated component to YAML
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetLatestReleasesCode-1008 Alert Unable to fetch release info
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetManifestNamesCode-1009 Alert Unable to fetch manifest names from github
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrEmptyConfigCode-1010 Alert Config is empty
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrLoadingPathsetCode-1011 Alert Could not create a pathset for static component generation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:

Meshery Adapter for meshery-nginx-sm

Error Name - Code Severity Short Description
ErrEmptyConfigCode-1000 Alert Config is empty
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInstallBinaryCode-1001 Alert Failed to change permission of the binary
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetLatestReleasesCode-1002 Alert Unable to fetch release info
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetLatestReleaseNamesCode-1003 Alert Failed to extract release names
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrStatusCheckCode-1004 Alert Error Bad Status
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrUnmarshalCode-1005 Alert Unable to unmarshal the :
Probable Cause:
Object is not a valid json object
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure if the object passed is a valid json
Long Description:
ErrCustomOperationCode-1006 Alert Error with applying custom operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInstallNginxCode-1007 Alert Error with Nginx installation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrMeshConfigCode-1008 Alert Error configuration mesh
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrClientConfigCode-1009 Alert Error setting client config
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrStreamEventCode-1010 Alert Error streaming events
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrSampleAppCode-1011 Alert Error with sample app operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrOpInvalidCode-1012 Alert Invalid operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrNilClientCode-1013 Alert kubernetes client not initialized
Probable Cause:
kubernetes client not initialized
Suggested Remediation:
Reconnect the adaptor to Meshery server
Long Description:
Kubernetes client is nil
ErrApplyHelmChartCode-1014 Alert Error occurred while applying Helm Chart
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParseOAMComponentCode-1015 Alert error parsing the component
Probable Cause:
Could not unmarshall configuration component received via ProcessOAM gRPC call into a valid Component struct
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Server is creating valid component for ProcessOAM gRPC call. This error should never happen and can be reported as a bug in Meshery Server. Also, check if Meshery Server and adapters are referring to same component struct provided in MeshKit.
Long Description:
Error occurred while parsing application component in the OAM request made by Meshery Server
ErrParseOAMConfigCode-1016 Alert error parsing the configuration
Probable Cause:
Could not unmarshall OAM config received via ProcessOAM gRPC call into a valid Config struct
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Server is creating valid config for ProcessOAM gRPC call. This error should never happen and can be reported as a bug in Meshery Server. Also, confirm that Meshery Server and Adapters are referring to same config struct provided in MeshKit
Long Description:
Error occurred while parsing configuration in the request made by Meshery Server
ErrProcessOAMCode-1017 Alert error performing OAM operations
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrNginxCoreComponentFailCode-1018 Alert error in NGINX Service Mesh core component
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParseNginxCoreComponentCode-1019 Alert Failure to parse core component manifest for NGINX Service Mesh
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrLoadNamespaceCode-1020 Alert Error occurred while applying namespace
Probable Cause:
Trying to access a namespace which is not available
Suggested Remediation:
Verify presence of namespace. Confirm Meshery ServiceAccount permissions
Long Description:

Meshery Adapter for meshery-istio

Error Name - Code Severity Short Description
ErrEmptyConfigCode-1000 Alert Config is empty
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetLatestReleasesCode-1001 Alert unable to fetch release info
Probable Cause:
Checkout for more info
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Unable to get the latest release info from the GithubAPI
ErrGetLatestReleaseNamesCode-1002 Alert failed to extract release names
Probable Cause:
Invalid release format
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInstallUsingIstioctlCode-1003 Alert Error with istio operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error occurred while installing istio mesh through istioctl
ErrUnzipFileCode-1004 Alert Error while unzipping
Probable Cause:
File might be corrupt
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrTarXZFCode-1005 Alert Error while extracting file
Probable Cause:
/The gzip might be corrupt
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrMeshConfigCode-1006 Alert Error configuration mesh
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error getting MeshSpecKey config from in-memory configuration
ErrRunIstioCtlCmdCode-1007 Alert Error running istioctl command
Probable Cause:
Corrupted istioctl binary Command might be invalid
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrSampleAppCode-1008 Alert Error with sample app operation
Probable Cause:
Invalid kubeclient config Invalid manifest
Suggested Remediation:
Reconnect your adapter to meshery server to refresh the kubeclient
Long Description:
Error occurred while trying to install a sample application using manifests
ErrEnvoyFilterCode-1009 Alert Error with envoy filter operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrApplyPolicyCode-1010 Alert Error with apply policy operation
Probable Cause:
Invalid kubeclient config Invalid manifest
Suggested Remediation:
Reconnect your adapter to meshery server to refresh the kubeclient
Long Description:
Error occurred while trying to install a sample application using manifests
ErrCustomOperationCode-1011 Alert Error with custom operation
Probable Cause:
Invalid kubeclient config Invalid manifest
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error occurred while applying custom manifest to the cluster
ErrAddonFromTemplateCode-1012 Alert Error with addon install operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInvalidInstallationProfileCode-1013 Alert Error while installing istio due to wrong profile
Probable Cause:
Invalid profile passed
Suggested Remediation:
Provide one of the profiles: \"demo\",\"minimal\",\"default\" profiles
Long Description:
ErrCreatingIstioClientCode-1014 Alert Unable to create a new istio client
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrIstioVetSyncCode-1015 Alert Failed to sync
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrIstioVetCode-1016 Alert error while running Istio vet command
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParseOAMComponentCode-1017 Alert error parsing the component
Probable Cause:
Could not unmarshall configuration component received via ProcessOAM gRPC call into a valid Component struct
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Server is creating valid component for ProcessOAM gRPC call. This error should never happen and can be reported as a bug in Meshery Server. Also check if Meshery Server and adapters are referring to same component struct provided in MeshKit.
Long Description:
Error occurred while parsing application component in the OAM request made by Meshery server
ErrParseOAMConfigCode-1018 Alert error parsing the configuration
Probable Cause:
Could not unmarshall OAM config received via ProcessOAM gRPC call into a valid Config struct
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Server is creating valid config for ProcessOAM gRPC call. This error should never happen and can be reported as a bug in Meshery Server. Also, confirm that Meshery Server and Adapters are referring to same config struct provided in MeshKit
Long Description:
Error occurred while parsing configuration in the request made by Meshery Server
ErrNilClientCode-1019 Alert kubernetes client not initialized
Probable Cause:
kubernetes client not initialized
Suggested Remediation:
Reconnect the adaptor to Meshery server
Long Description:
Kubernetes client is nil
ErrParseIstioCoreComponentCode-1020 Alert istio core component manifest parsing failing
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInvalidOAMComponentTypeCode-1021 Alert invalid OAM component name:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrOpInvalidCode-1022 Alert Invalid operation
Probable Cause:
The operation is not supported by the adapter Invalid operation name
Suggested Remediation:
Check if the operation name is valid and supported by the adapter
Long Description:
Istio adapter received an invalid operation from the meshey server
ErrIstioCoreComponentFailCode-1023 Alert error in istio core component
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrProcessOAMCode-1024 Alert error performing OAM operations
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrApplyHelmChartCode-1025 Alert Error occurred while applying Helm Chart
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGettingIstioReleaseCode-1026 Alert Error occurred while fetching Istio release artifacts
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrUnsupportedPlatformCode-1027 Alert requested platform is not supported by Istio
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Istio only supports Windows, Linux and Darwin
ErrIstioctlNotFoundCode-1028 Alert Unable to find Istioctl
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDownloadingTarCode-1029 Alert Error occurred while downloading Istio tar
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrUnpackingTarCode-1030 Alert Error occurred while unpacking tar
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrMakingBinExecutableCode-1031 Alert Error while making istioctl an executable
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrLoadNamespaceCode-1032 Alert Error while labeling namespace:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrFetchIstioVersionsCode-1033 Alert could not get any istio versions
Probable Cause:
could not reach no versions could be fetched from istio release page
Suggested Remediation:
make sure adapter is reachable to github
Long Description:
versions for istio could not be fetched

Meshery Adapter for meshery-kuma

Error Name - Code Severity Short Description
ErrGetLatestReleasesCode-1000 Alert unable to fetch release info
Probable Cause:
Checkout for more info
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Unable to get the latest release info from the GithubAPI
ErrGetLatestReleaseNamesCode-1001 Alert failed to extract release names
Probable Cause:
Invalid release format
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrOpInvalidCode-1002 Alert Invalid operation
Probable Cause:
The operation is not supported by the adapter Invalid operation name
Suggested Remediation:
Check if the operation name is valid and supported by the adapter
Long Description:
Kuma adapter received an invalid operation from the meshey server
ErrInstallKumaCode-1003 Alert Error with kuma operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error occurred while installing kuma mesh through kumactl
ErrMeshConfigCode-1004 Alert Error configuration mesh
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Reconnect the adapter to the Meshery Server
Long Description:
Error getting MeshSpecKey config from in-memory configuration
ErrFetchManifestCode-1005 Alert Error occurred while fetching the manifest
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrClientConfigCode-1006 Alert Error occurred while setting client config
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrClientSetCode-1007 Alert Error occurred while setting clientset
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrStreamEventCode-1008 Alert Error occurred while streaming events
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrSampleAppCode-1009 Alert Error with sample app operation
Probable Cause:
Invalid kubeclient config Invalid manifest
Suggested Remediation:
Reconnect your adapter to Meshery Server to refresh the kubeclient
Long Description:
Error occurred while trying to install a sample application using manifests
ErrGetKumactlCode-1010 Alert Error getting kumactl comamndline
Probable Cause:<release>-<platform>-<arch>.tar.gz might be deprecated
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error occurred while downloading`kumactl` and moving it to .meshery/bin]
ErrDownloadBinaryCode-1011 Alert Error downloading kuma binary
Probable Cause:
Checkout<release>-<platform>-<arch>.tar.gz for more details
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error occurred while download kuma binary from its release url
ErrInstallBinaryCode-1012 Alert Error installing kumactl
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error occurred while installing kuma mesh through kumactl
ErrUntarCode-1013 Alert Error while extracting file
Probable Cause:
The gzip might be corrupt
Suggested Remediation:
Retry the operation
Long Description:
ErrUntarDefaultCode-1014 Alert Error untaring opeartion default
Probable Cause:
The compressed file might be corrupted
Suggested Remediation:
Clear the cache and retry the operation
Long Description:
Error occurred in the process of untaring a compressed file
ErrMoveBinaryCode-1015 Alert Error occurred while moving the kumactl binary
Probable Cause:
Meshery adapter might not have write access
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrCustomOperationCode-1016 Alert Error with custom operation
Probable Cause:
Invalid kubeclient config Invalid manifest
Suggested Remediation:
Reupload the kubconfig in the Meshery Server and reconnect the adapter
Long Description:
Error occurred while applying custom manifest to the cluster
ErrNilClientCode-1017 Alert Kubernetes client not initialized
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes client not initialized
Suggested Remediation:
Reconnect the adapter to Meshery Server
Long Description:
Kubernetes client is nil
ErrApplyHelmChartCode-1018 Alert Error with helm chart operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Invalid helm chart configuration
Long Description:
Error occurred while applying Helm Chart
ErrGetLatestReleaseCode-1019 Alert Could not get latest version
Probable Cause:
Latest version could not be found at the specified url
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInvalidOAMComponentTypeCode-1021 Alert invalid OAM component name:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrKumaCoreComponentFailCode-1022 Alert error in kuma core component
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrProcessOAMCode-1023 Alert error performing OAM operations
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParseKumaCoreComponentCode-1024 Alert kuma core component manifest parsing failing
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParseOAMComponentCode-1025 Alert error parsing the component
Probable Cause:
Could not unmarshall configuration component received via ProcessOAM gRPC call into a valid Component struct
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Server is creating valid component for ProcessOAM gRPC call. This error should never happen and can be reported as a bug in Meshery Server. Also check if Meshery Server and adapters are referring to same component struct provided in MeshKit.
Long Description:
Error occurred while parsing application component in the OAM request made by Meshery server
ErrParseOAMConfigCode-1026 Alert error parsing the configuration
Probable Cause:
Could not unmarshall OAM config received via ProcessOAM gRPC call into a valid Config struct
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Server is creating valid config for ProcessOAM gRPC call. This error should never happen and can be reported as a bug in Meshery Server. Also, confirm that Meshery Server and Adapters are referring to same config struct provided in MeshKit
Long Description:
Error occurred while parsing configuration in the request made by Meshery Server
ErrEmptyConfigCode-1027 Alert Config is empty
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrLoadNamespaceCode-1028 Alert Error occurred while applying namespace
Probable Cause:
Trying to access a namespace which is not available
Suggested Remediation:
Verify presence of namespace. Confirm Meshery ServiceAccount permissions
Long Description:

Meshery Adapter for meshery-linkerd

Error Name - Code Severity Short Description
ErrEmptyConfigCode-1000 Alert Config is empty
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetLatestReleasesCode-1001 Alert unable to fetch release info
Probable Cause:
Checkout for more info
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Unable to get the latest release info from the GithubAPI
ErrGetLatestReleaseNamesCode-1002 Alert failed to extract release names
Probable Cause:
Invalid release format
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInstallLinkerdCode-1003 Alert Error with Linkerd operation:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrMeshConfigCode-1004 Alert Error configuration mesh:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrFetchManifestCode-1005 Alert Error fetching mesh manifest: %s
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDownloadBinaryCode-1006 Alert Error downloading Linkerd binary:
Probable Cause:
Checkout for more details
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInstallBinaryCode-1007 Alert Error installing Linkerd binary:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrClientConfigCode-1008 Alert Error setting client config:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrClientSetCode-1009 Alert Error setting clientset:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrSampleAppCode-1011 Alert Error with sample app operation
Probable Cause:
Invalid kubeclient config Invalid manifest
Suggested Remediation:
Reconnect your adapter to meshery server to refresh the kubeclient
Long Description:
Error occurred while trying to install a sample application using manifests
ErrCustomOperationCode-1012 Alert Error with custom operation
Probable Cause:
Invalid kubeclient config Invalid manifest
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure to apply a valid Kubernetes manifest
Long Description:
Error occurred while applying custom manifest to the cluster
ErrOpInvalidCode-1013 Alert Invalid operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInvalidOAMComponentTypeCode-1014 Alert invalid OAM component name:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrLinkerdCoreComponentFailCode-1015 Alert error in linkerd core component
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrProcessOAMCode-1016 Alert error performing OAM operations
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParseLinkerdCoreComponentCode-1017 Alert linkerd core component manifest parsing failing
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParseOAMComponentCode-1018 Alert error parsing the component
Probable Cause:
Could not unmarshall configuration component received via ProcessOAM gRPC call into a valid Component struct
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Server is creating valid component for ProcessOAM gRPC call. This error should never happen and can be reported as a bug in Meshery Server. Also check if Meshery Server and adapters are referring to same component struct provided in MeshKit.
Long Description:
Error occurred while parsing application component in the OAM request made by Meshery server
ErrParseOAMConfigCode-1019 Alert error parsing the configuration
Probable Cause:
Could not unmarshall OAM config received via ProcessOAM gRPC call into a valid Config struct
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Server is creating valid config for ProcessOAM gRPC call. This error should never happen and can be reported as a bug in Meshery Server. Also, confirm that Meshery Server and Adapters are referring to same config struct provided in MeshKit
Long Description:
Error occurred while parsing configuration in the request made by Meshery Server
ErrApplyHelmChartCode-1020 Alert error applying helm chart
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrNilClientCode-1021 Alert Kubernetes client not initialized
Probable Cause:
Kubernetes client not initialized
Suggested Remediation:
Reconnect the Meshery Adapter to Meshery Server
Long Description:
Kubernetes client is nil
ErrAddonFromHelmCode-1022 Alert Error with addon install operation by helm chart
Probable Cause:
The helm chart URL in additional properties of addon operation might be incorrect Could not apply service patch file for the given addon
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInvalidVersionForMeshInstallationCode-1023 Alert Invalid version passed for helm based installation
Probable Cause:
Version might not be prefixed with \"stable-\" or \"edge-\
Suggested Remediation:
Version should be prefixed with \"stable-\" or \"edge-\ Version might be empty
Long Description:
Version passed is invalid
ErrAnnotatingNamespaceCode-1024 Alert Error with annotating namespace
Probable Cause:
Could not get the namespace in cluster Could not update namespace in cluster
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure the cluster is reachable
Long Description:
ErrFetchLinkerdVersionsCode-1033 Alert could not get any linkerd versions
Probable Cause:
could not reach no versions could be fetched from linkerd release page
Suggested Remediation:
make sure adapter is reachable to github
Long Description:
versions for linkerd could not be fetched
ErrCertEncodeCode-1101 Fatal Failed to encode:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrEncodeCertificatesPEMCode-1102 Fatal Failed to encode certificate PEM:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrEncodePrivateKeyPEMCode-1103 Fatal Failed to encode private key PEM:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrCreateRootCACode-1104 Alert Failed to create Root CA:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGeneratePKCode-1105 Alert Failed to create Private Key:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGenerateDefaultRootCACode-1106 Alert Failed to create default Root CA:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetFileNamesCode-1107 Alert failed to get filenames for dynamic component generation
Probable Cause:
The repository could not be cloned or reached The repository url is invalid Could not reach the remote git repository
Suggested Remediation:
Make sure the owner, repo and path is correct for fetching crd names
Long Description:

Meshery Adapter for meshery-traefik-mesh

Error Name - Code Severity Short Description
ErrApplyHelmChartCode-1012 Alert Error occurred while applying Helm Chart
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrNilClientCode-1013 Alert kubernetes client not initialized
Probable Cause:
kubernetes client not initialized
Suggested Remediation:
Reconnect the adapter to Meshery server
Long Description:
Kubernetes client is nil
ErrInvalidOAMComponentTypeCode-1014 Alert invalid OAM component name:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrTraefikCoreComponentFailCode-1015 Alert error in Traefik core component
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrProcessOAMCode-1016 Alert error performing OAM operations
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParseTraefikCoreComponentCode-1017 Alert Traefik core component manifest parsing failing
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParseOAMComponentCode-1018 Alert error parsing the component
Probable Cause:
Could not unmarshall configuration component received via ProcessOAM gRPC call into a valid Component struct
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Server is creating valid component for ProcessOAM gRPC call. This error should never happen and can be reported as a bug in Meshery Server. Also, check if Meshery Server and adapters are referring to same component struct provided in MeshKit.
Long Description:
Error occurred while parsing application component in the OAM request made by Meshery Server
ErrParseOAMConfigCode-1019 Alert error parsing the configuration
Probable Cause:
Could not unmarshall OAM config received via ProcessOAM gRPC call into a valid Config struct
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Server is creating valid config for ProcessOAM gRPC call. This error should never happen and can be reported as a bug in Meshery Server. Also, confirm that Meshery Server and Adapters are referring to same config struct provided in MeshKit
Long Description:
Error occurred while parsing configuration in the request made by Meshery Server
ErrGetLatestReleaseCode-1020 Alert Could not get latest version
Probable Cause:
Latest version could not be found at the specified url
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrEmptyConfigCode-1029 Alert Config is empty
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetLatestReleasesCode-1030 Alert Unable to fetch release info
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetLatestReleaseNamesCode-1031 Alert Failed to extract release names
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInstallTraefikCode-1032 Alert Error with traefik operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrCreatingHelmIndexCode-1033 Alert Error while creating Helm Index
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrEntryWithAppVersionNotExistsCode-1034 Alert Entry for the app version does not exist
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrHelmRepositoryNotFoundCode-1035 Alert Helm repo not found
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDecodeYamlCode-1036 Alert Error occurred while decoding YAML
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrMeshConfigCode-1037 Alert Error configuration mesh
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrConvertingAppVersionToChartVersionCode-1038 Alert Error occurred while converting app version to chart version
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrCreatingTraefikMeshClientCode-1039 Alert Unable to create a new NSM client
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrSampleAppCode-1040 Alert Error with sample app operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrCustomOperationCode-1041 Alert Error with custom operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrOpInvalidCode-1042 Alert Invalid operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:

Meshery Adapter for meshery-osm

Error Name - Code Severity Short Description
ErrInstallOSMCode-1000 Alert Error with osm operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error occurred while installing osm mesh through osmctl
ErrTarXZFCode-1001 Alert Error while extracting file
Probable Cause:
The gzip might be corrupt
Suggested Remediation:
Retry the operation
Long Description:
ErrMeshConfigCode-1002 Alert Error configuration mesh
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Reconnect the adaptor to the meshkit server
Long Description:
Error getting MeshSpecKey config from in-memory configuration
ErrRunOsmCtlCmdCode-1003 Alert Error running istioctl command
Probable Cause:
Corrupted istioctl binary Command might be invalid
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDownloadBinaryCode-1004 Alert Error downloading osm binary
Probable Cause:
Checkout for more details
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
Error occurred while download osm binary from its github release
ErrInstallBinaryCode-1005 Alert Error installing osm binary
Probable Cause:
Corrupted osm release binary Invalid installation location
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrSampleAppCode-1006 Alert Error with sample app operation
Probable Cause:
Invalid kubeclient config Invalid manifest
Suggested Remediation:
Reconnect your adapter to meshery server to refresh the kubeclient
Long Description:
Error occurred while trying to install a sample application using manifests
ErrCustomOperationCode-1007 Alert Error with custom operation
Probable Cause:
Invalid kubeclient config Invalid manifest
Suggested Remediation:
Reupload the kubconfig in the Meshery Server and reconnect the adapter
Long Description:
Error occurred while applying custom manifest to the cluster
ErrCreatingNSCode-1008 Alert Error creating namespace
Probable Cause:
Invalid kubeclient config Invalid manifest
Suggested Remediation:
Reupload the kubeconfig in the Meshery Server and reconnect the adapter
Long Description:
Error occurred while applying manifest to create a namespace
ErrRunExecutableCode-1009 Alert Error running executable
Probable Cause:
Corrupted binary Invalid operation
Suggested Remediation:
Check if the adaptor is executing a deprecated command
Long Description:
ErrSidecarInjectionCode-1010 Alert Error occurred while injection sidecar
Probable Cause:
Corrupted binary Invalidoperation
Suggested Remediation:
Check if the adaptor is executing a deprecated command
Long Description:
Error occurred while injecting sidercar using osm(ctl) `osm namespace add/remove <name>`
ErrOpInvalidCode-1011 Alert Invalid operation
Probable Cause:
The operation is not supported by the adapter Invalid operation name
Suggested Remediation:
Check if the operation name is valid and supported by the adapter
Long Description:
Istio adapter received an invalid operation from the meshey server
ErrApplyHelmChartCode-1012 Alert Error occurred while applying Helm Chart
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrNilClientCode-1013 Alert kubernetes client not initialized
Probable Cause:
kubernetes client not initialized
Suggested Remediation:
Reconnect the adaptor to Meshery server
Long Description:
Kubernetes client is nil
ErrInvalidOAMComponentTypeCode-1014 Alert invalid OAM component name:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrOSMCoreComponentFailCode-1015 Alert error in osm core component
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrProcessOAMCode-1016 Alert error performing OAM operations
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParseOSMCoreComponentCode-1017 Alert osm core component manifest parsing failing
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrParseOAMComponentCode-1018 Alert error parsing the component
Probable Cause:
Could not unmarshall configuration component received via ProcessOAM gRPC call into a valid Component struct
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Server is creating valid component for ProcessOAM gRPC call. This error should never happen and can be reported as a bug in Meshery Server. Also check if Meshery Server and adapters are referring to same component struct provided in MeshKit.
Long Description:
Error occurred while parsing application component in the OAM request made by Meshery server
ErrParseOAMConfigCode-1019 Alert error parsing the configuration
Probable Cause:
Could not unmarshall OAM config received via ProcessOAM gRPC call into a valid Config struct
Suggested Remediation:
Check if Meshery Server is creating valid config for ProcessOAM gRPC call. This error should never happen and can be reported as a bug in Meshery Server. Also, confirm that Meshery Server and Adapters are referring to same config struct provided in MeshKit
Long Description:
Error occurred while parsing configuration in the request made by Meshery Server
ErrGetLatestReleaseCode-1020 Alert Could not get latest version
Probable Cause:
Latest version could not be found at the specified url
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrLoadNamespaceCode-1021 Alert Error occurred while applying namespace
Probable Cause:
Trying to access a namespace which is not available
Suggested Remediation:
Verify presence of namespace. Confirm Meshery ServiceAccount permissions
Long Description:
ErrEmptyConfigCode-1022 Alert Config is empty
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetLatestReleasesCode-1023 Alert Unable to fetch release info
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetLatestReleaseNamesCode-1024 Alert Failed to extract release names
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetManifestNamesCode-1025 Alert Unable to fetch manifest names from github
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:

Meshery Adapter for nsm

Error Name - Code Severity Short Description
ErrEmptyConfigCode-1000 Alert Config is empty
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetLatestReleasesCode-1001 Alert unable to fetch release info:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrGetLatestReleaseNamesCode-1002 Alert failed to extract release names:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrInstallNSMCode-1003 Alert Error with nsm operation:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrCreatingHelmIndexCode-1004 Alert Error with nsm operation:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrEntryWithAppVersionNotExistsCode-1005 Alert Entry: with app version : does not exists
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrHelmRepositoryNotFoundCode-1006 Alert Either the repo : does not exists or is corrupt:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrDecodeYamlCode-1007 Alert Error decoding yaml:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrMeshConfigCode-1008 Alert Error configuration mesh:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrApplyHelmChartCode-1009 Alert Error applying helm chart:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrConvertingAppVersionToChartVersionCode-1010 Alert Error converting app version to chart version:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrCreatingNSMMeshClientCode-1011 Alert Unable to create a new nsm client:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrSampleAppCode-1012 Alert Error with sample app operation:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrCustomOperationCode-1013 Alert Error with custom operation:
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description:
ErrOpInvalidCode-1014 Alert Invalid operation
Probable Cause:
Suggested Remediation:
Long Description: