Contributing to Meshery Docker Extension


Docker Extension for Meshery

The Docker Extension for Meshery extends Docker Desktop’s position as the cloud native developer’s go-to Kubernetes environment with easy access to the next layer of cloud native infrastructure: service meshes.

Using Docker Desktop

1) Navigate to the Extensions Marketplace of Docker Desktop.

2) From the Dashboard, select Add Extensions in the menu bar or open the Extensions Marketplace from the menu options.

3) Navigate to Meshery in the Marketplace and press install.


You can visit the Docker Hub marketplace to directly install Meshery extension in your Docker Desktop.

Using Docker CLI

Meshery runs as a set of containers inside your Docker Desktop virtual machine.

docker extension install meshery/docker-extension-meshery

Set up the server

In the root directory of meshery, run the following command:

To install/update the UI dependencies:

make ui-setup

Start the server locally

make server

This will ensure that the server is up and running at port 9081

Set up docker extension Locally

Open another terminal while the server is running, Go inside the docker-extension directory

cd install/docker-extension

Build and export UI

make ui-build

UI Development Server

If you want to work on the Docker UI, it will be a good idea to use the included UI development server. You can run the UI development server by running the following command:

make ui

Now the meshery docker-extension is up and running.

Linking the docker extension locally

To see the changes reflected in the docker extension locally and open the devTools window, we can run the command:

make link

Now that our local development environment is connected with the meshery docker extension, we can start contributing to it.