Use Meshery to manage your AKS clusters. Deploy Meshery on AKS or outside of AKS.

Quick Start with AKS


1. Install the Meshery command line client, mesheryctl .


  1. Access to an active AKS cluster in one of your resource groups.
  2. Azure CLI az installed on your machine.

Manage AKS clusters with Meshery

Automatically connect Meshery to your Azure Kubernetes Cluster

Use Meshery’s CLI to automatically prepare your connection to your AKS cluster. Configure Meshery to connect to your AKS cluster by executing:

mesheryctl system config aks

[Optionally] Manually connect Meshery to your Azure Kubernetes Cluster

Alternatively, you may execute the following steps to manually configure Meshery to connect to your AKS cluster.

  1. Install Azure CLI(az), and login to your azure account using az login.

  2. After successfull login, identify the subscription with which your AKS is associated.

az account set --subscription [SUBSCRIPTION_ID]

  1. Get the kubeconfig from your AKS cluster
az aks get-credentials --resource-group [RESOURCE_GROUP] --name [AKS_SERVICE_NAME]

  1. Set your cluster context and check your cluster-info
kubectl config set-context AKS_SERVICE_NAME kubectl cluster-info

Install Meshery on your AKS cluster

helm repo add meshery helm install meshery meshery/meshery --namespace meshery --create-namespace

Optionally, Meshery Server supports customizing callback URL for your remote provider, like so:

helm install meshery meshery/meshery --namespace meshery --set env.MESHERY_SERVER_CALLBACK_URL=https://custom-host --create-namespace

Access Meshery UI

Access Meshery UI by exposing it as a Kubernetes service or by port forwarding to Meshery UI.

[Optional] Port Forward to Meshery UI

export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace meshery -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") kubectl --namespace meshery port-forward $POD_NAME 9081:8080

Meshery should now be running in your AKS cluster and the Meshery UI should be accessible at the specified endpoint you’ve exposed to. Navigate to the meshery service endpoint to log into Meshery.