Quick Start with Docker


1. Install the Meshery command line client, mesheryctl .

Deploying Meshery on Docker

Follow these installation steps to use Docker and Docker Compose to run Meshery. Users often choose this installation approach in order to run Meshery on their local machine. If you need to install docker, see Getting Started with Docker and if you need to install docker-compose, see Installing Docker Compose.

Start Meshery by executing:

mesheryctl system start
  • Meshery server supports customizing authentication flow callback URL, which can be configured in the following way
MESHERY_SERVER_CALLBACK_URL=https://custom-host mesheryctl system start

Once you have verified that all the services are up and running, Meshery UI will be accessible on your local machine on port 9081. Open your browser and access Meshery at http://localhost:9081. Log into the Provider of your choice.

Upon starting Meshery successfully, instructions to access Meshery will be printed on the screen. See these guides for usage tips.